Slush'D Tirana 2024 Startup Pitch Competition

About PITCH50 

Your Chance for a Spotlight 

PITCH50 is Slush'D Tirana’s pitch competition for early-stage startups. This event aims to highlight and support innovative startups from Albania, the Balkans, Nordic, Baltic, Central and Western European regions. Fifty of the most promising startups will be selected to compete, providing them a platform to present their business ideas to Tirana Slush’D audience.

Selection Process ➞  How We Pick the 50 Startups 

ALL eligible applications will be evaluated by a panel of venture capitalists (VCs), accelerators, angel investors, and industry experts. Evaluators will assess the business idea, its scalability, the team's strength, and the overall quality of the application. The fifty startups with the highest average scores will be selected as semi-finalists.

Competition Rounds ➞  How We Pick the Top 10  

The TOP 10 will be composed of: 
All startups will compete for the no-strings-attached prize, while only the 5 startups selected by the syndicate jury will be evaluated for the syndicate investment prize.


Are you ready to present your startup to international investors and stakeholders searching for the next big innovation?

Slush'D Tirana, in partnership with (TBA), is offering up to (TBA)€ in syndicate investment to the most promising and impactful startup. Additionally, there’s a (TBA)€ no-strings-attached prize for the best pitch!
